MCM-41-supported mercapto palladium complex has been prepared from γ-mercaptopropyltriethoxy-silane via immobilization on MCM-41, followed by reacting with palladium chloride. 巯丙基三乙氧基硅烷依次用纳米介孔分子筛(MCM-41)固载,与氯化钯反应,合成了MCM-41负载巯基钯配合物。
Study on Biphasic Catalytic Hydrogenation of α-Pinene by Palladium Chloride 水/有机两相中氯化钯催化α-蒎烯加氢反应的研究
Two Different Mechanisms of Cementation of Palladium by Copper in Chloride Medium 盐酸介质中铜置换钯的两种反应机理
Palladium chloride was supported on the chitosan grafting benzo-18-crown-6 to obtain the heterogeneous supported palladium catalyst ( abbreviated as CCTS-B-18-C-6-Pd). The constitution of catalyst was characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectrometry ( XPS). 用苯并18冠6与壳聚糖接枝,再负载氯化钯,制成非均相负载型钯催化剂(CCTSB18C6Pd),并对该催化剂进行了X射线光电子能谱(XPS)表征。
Studies on Synthesis and thermal characterization of complexes of palladium ( ii) chloride with p-methyl phenyl alkyl sulphoxide 对甲苯基烷基亚砜与钯(Ⅱ)配合物的合成及热分析研究
Sample solution could be analysed at rates of 62 h-1. The method was applied to determine palladium in anode mud and chloride residue with satisfactory results. 用该方法可不经分离直接测定二次阳极泥和氯化渣中的钯。
Determination of the urinary chromium in population by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using palladium chloride as the matrix modifier. 探讨了应用石墨炉原子吸收法测定尿中铬的方法。采用氯化钯作基体改进剂,有效地消除了尿基体对测定的干扰。
Palladium chloride method was suitable for the determination of rapeseed meal extracted by two liquid-phase solvents. 氯化钯法可用于双液相溶剂萃取菜粕中硫甙测定之用。
This paper has reviewed the palladium chloride and its complexes-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions including Suzuki reaction, Stille reaction, Hiyama reaction and Kumada reaction. 综述了氯化钯及其配合物催化的交叉偶联反应,其中包括Suzuki反应、Stille反应、Hiyama反应和Kumada反应等。
Coordination hydrolysis behaviour of palladium(ⅱ) in chloride media 氯化物溶液中Pd(Ⅱ)配位水解行为研究
The tube contains silica gel impregnated with palladium chloride, reagent G and concentrated sulfuric acid. 检气管内的惰性载体涂渍上对一氧化碳有特效的显色剂:氯化钯&稳定剂G-浓硫酸体系。
Determination of Glucosinolate Content in Rapeseed with Palladium Chloride Spectrometry Method 氯化钯&分光光度法测定油菜籽硫苷含量的研究
A polymer-bound palladium ( II) chloride complex has been prepared by the reaction of palladium chloride with a chelate resin of 8-aminoquinoline. Refluxing the complex in methanol-water solution, it gives a polymer-bound mixed valence palladium catalyst. 本文在带有8-氨基喹啉螯合基团的树脂上负载了二氯化钯,再经甲醇-水还原合成混合价态钯催化剂。
According to the corresponding literatures, we first prepared MgO-supported melamine-formaldehyde polymer ( abbr. as MEF/ MgO), then acted it with palladium chloride to get the palladium complex of MgO-supported melamine-formaldehyde polymer catalyst ( abbr. as Pd MEF/ MgO). 在文献调研的基础上,本论文首先制备了氧化镁负载三聚氰胺缩甲醛聚合物复合载体(MEF/MgO),通过其与氯化钯作用制得了高分子催化剂(Pd·MEF/MgO);
Effect of Calibrated-curve Drawing on the Determination of Glucosinolates in Rapeseed Meal by Palladium Chloride Method 校正曲线绘制方式对菜粕中硫代葡萄糖甙测定结果的影响
Palladium Chloride and Polyethylene Glycol Promoted Highly Regioselective Arylation of Allylic Alcohol 聚乙二醇存在下钯催化烯丙醇高区域选择芳基化作用
Determination of gold in material containing platinum or palladium by gravimetry with ferrous chloride 氯化亚铁还原质量法测定铂钯物料中的金
Study on Chitosan Grafting Benzo-18-Crown-6 Supported Palladium Chloride for the Hydrogenation of p-Nitroaniline 壳聚糖接枝苯并18-冠-6负载氯化钯催化氢化对硝基苯胺的研究
The extra-thin copper film wrapped diamond nanoparticles were prepared by using electroless plating method under the condition of tin chloride sensitization and palladium chloride activation. 在氯化亚锡敏化、氯化钯活化的条件下,通过化学镀方法,成功地在纳米金刚石粉体表面制备了超薄铜膜。
Studies on Experiments of Extracting Gold and Palladium from Rhodium Iridium Chloride Solution 从铑铱氯化液中萃取分离金钯的试验研究
Measures for reducing the consumption of palladium chloride catalyst in acetaldehyde production 乙醛生产中催化剂氯化钯耗量的降低措施
A New Process for Removing Nitrate in Preparation of Palladium Chloride 氯化钯制备过程中赶硝工艺的研究
Recovery of Palladium Chloride from C-Pd Catalyst Scrap 从废钯&炭催化剂中提取氯化钯
Suitable conditions of stripping palladium with ammonium chloride-( ammonia) solution are also studied. 也考察了氯化铵的氨水溶液反萃取钯的适宜条件。
The content of glucosinolates in rapeseed meal extracted by two liquid-phase solvents was determined by palladium chloride method. 用氯化钯法测定了双液相溶剂萃取菜粕中的硫代葡萄糖甙(简称硫甙)的含量。
Production of palladium chloride from used catalyst of palladium on active charcoal carrier 钯/炭催化剂的失活原因从废催化剂制取氯化钯
The proposed method has been applied to the determination of palladium in Cu-Ni alloys, chloride residue of noble metals and sulfonium compound of noble metals with satisfactory results. 所拟方法用于铜镍合金、贵金属氯化渣、贵金属高锍中钯的测定,获得满意结果。
The extraction mechanism of palladium from chloride system by trialkylamine ( 7301) has been studied. 报道了三烷基胺(7301)从盐酸体系中萃取钯的机理研究。
Synthesis of N, N-Bis ( diphenylphosphinomethyl) piperazine and Its Palladium Complexes and Catalytic Carbonylation of Benzyl Chloride N,N-双(二苯膦甲基)哌嗪和钯配合物的合成及苄基氯的催化羰基化反应
In the optimum condition, platinum and palladium chloride complexs could be separation each other completely within 10 minutes. 在最佳电泳条件下,铂、钯的氯配合物在10min内得到了较好的分离与检测,并在相同条件下进行了定量分析试验研究。